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    8 Tips on How to Make Employees more Productive Part 1

    Make employees more productive

    keyboard support effective communication

    Modern managers are always seeking ways to make employees more productive. The current economy is not only hard on individuals seeking work, but can be challenging for managers who are trying to hold on to good talent. While companies can’t make every employee happy all of the time, they can at least acknowledge and address some of the top reasons that talented employees leave. One of these reasons is that many workers don’t feel like they are being productive in their current line of work.

    The following are 8 professional tips to make employees more productive, happy, and less likely to abandon ship.

    [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]1[/dropcap]Be a Good Employer. One effective way to make employees more productive is to take a look in the mirror. Are you the best manager you can be? Is the company competitive in terms of benefits and services available to employees? Even the most traditional benefits like retirement, have been cut from modern businesses. Hold on to these perks in order to make your company more attractive. Make sure to talk with, not to, employees about expectations, rules, and appropriate conduct. And most importantly be consistent, don’t display favoritism as it initiates hostility, conflict, and resentment.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]2[/dropcap]Make Them Feel Valued. Be encouraging and always be ready to publicly praise employees. This goes a long way, and instills loyalty in employees. If an employee makes a mistake, instead of berating the person, talk to them with positive language and encourage them to do better.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]3[/dropcap]Offer a Broad Picture. Managers can make employees more productive by revealing long term goals and objectives. Sharing the vision of the business sparks inspiration and serves as a motivator for employees to meet short term goals.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]4[/dropcap]Share Goals, Not Just Instructions. If management feels that sharing the big picture will somehow not make employees more productive, they should at least share short term goals so that that employees know why they are being asked to complete a particular task. Ensure new employees touch base with you frequently in order to keep them on track with goals and to offer guidance. Let seasoned employees choose their own path to complete goals once they are shared. Avoid hovering over them, a little trust goes a long way.[/note]