How would you stay relevant if you had to figure well into your 70s, or maybe 80s?This is often an issue many post-millennials may eventually need to answer, and one that has huge implications for the longer term of labor , and our place in it. Human anticipation has been increasing by up to 3 months per annum for over a century, and there’s no sign of it slowing down. In century, and there’s no sign of it slowing down. In their book The 100 Year Life, authors Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott draw on a 20091 study to point out that if the trend continues, quite half the people born in developed nations after 2000 may indeed see their 100th birthdays. With improved longevity, delayed retirement is becoming a true consideration for those Whether it’s through choice or financial need, new professionals are beginning to leave the company world later than ever before. In fact, practically all Western countries are seeking to shift the age of retirement past 65 and place it more in line with our future life expectancies. As started by Harvard Review, unless people are prepared to place away tons more, those in their mid-40s are likely to figure until their early 70s;and for workers in their early 20s, there’s a true chance they’re going to got to work until their late 70s or possibly even into their 80s.3
their early 20s, there’s a true chance they’re going to got to work until their
late 70s or possibly even into their 80s.3
this to how quickly the work market changes, and it re-emphasizes how important
it’s to remain on the work