Not everyone is meant to be a leader, but far more people have the ability to become leaders than many of us know. 10 Traits All Leaders Need, Part 1 introduced the first five traits that great leaders must have.
The following are the final 5 significant traits that have made some of the world’s most successful leaders.
[row][dropcap style=”simple”]6[/dropcap] Know When to Delegate.Good leaders are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their employees. When a project must be completed, leaders know which tasks to give certain individuals so that the project is successful.[/row] [row][dropcap style=”simple”]7[/dropcap] Develop Leadership in Others.
Leaders jump at the opportunity to develop leadership in their employees. They set expectations for potential leaders while cautiously increasing their responsibilities to see how they tackle new challenges, handle stress, and interact with co-workers.[/row] [row][dropcap style=”simple”]8[/dropcap] Are Brave and Honest.
Effective leaders tell the truth, even if it is unpleasant to hear. If a member of the team is underperforming, it is their job to discuss how the team member can increase their efforts or perhaps move them to a different department or another project. Leaders often have to perform uncomfortable duties like mediating team member disputes, performing disciplinary acts, or completing terminations.[/row] [row][dropcap style=”simple”]9[/dropcap] Eager to Learn.
Great leaders are constantly evolving. They always aim for higher goals, look for ways to make their businesses more profitable, or make their offices more efficient. Leaders embrace useful technology, make annual assessments of processes to ensure efficiency, and are open to constructive criticism.[/row] [row][dropcap style=”simple”]10[/dropcap] Are Self-Aware.
Successful leaders recognize, and are constantly working on, their own limitations. Leaders are not afraid to ask for help. They know the strengths and weakness of their organization, and are constantly seeking ways to improve their business.[/row]