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    The Guide to Get an Adaptable Job Now

    The Guide to Get an Adaptable Job Now An adaptable job is more important to more people than ever. And though there are many types of adaptable jobs, their overall popularity means plenty of job seekers are searching for and targeting these kinds of roles.

    The Guide to Get an Adaptable Job Now

    An adaptable job is more important to more people than ever. And though there are many types of adaptable jobs, their overall popularity means plenty of job seekers are searching for and targeting these kinds of roles.


    But don’t let the competition stop you from pursuing the adaptable job you want and need. There are ways to ensure you’re the top contender for any adaptable job opening.


    • How to Find and Land an adaptable Job

    — Update Your Resume

    If it’s been a while since you last updated your resume, now is a great time to spruce it up. Start by adding your “big” accomplishments, like job titles or certifications. Then include some “smaller” accomplishments, like new software programs you’ve mastered or volunteering. Finally, because a resume is short and sweet, delete information that’s no longer relevant (like that summer job from 20 years ago).


    With everything updated (and edited!), your resume is ready to go. However, instead of applying with the same resume to every job, use your newly refreshed resume as a template, and tailor it to the company and job posting every time you apply. Do the same for your cover letter to maximize results!


    But don’t stop with this one update. Set a reminder to update your resume every six to 12 months to help keep it fresh. This ensures it’s always up to date with your latest wins and accomplishments. After all, you never know when a new opportunity will come your way!


    — Revamp Your Social Media

    At least 70% of hiring managers check an applicant’s social media before deciding to interview them. And because your posts are part of your personal brand, you want all of your social media profiles to be as professional as possible.


    Comb through your posting history and delete posts that could be controversial—that’s anything from you with a drink in your hand to bad-mouthing your employer. Do the same for your pictures. Alternatively, consider setting all of your social media profiles (except for LinkedIn) to private.


    If you’re not into social media, that’s OK. But consider starting (or optimizing) a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn can help you connect with other job seekers, flexible companies you want to work for, and access the hidden job market through networking, mentoring, and informational interviewing.


    And though LinkedIn is the best social media platform for professionals, you can also use Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook to land a flexible job. You can even leverage TikTok in your hunt for a flexible job.


    — Plan and Track

    With your application materials spiffed up, you’re almost ready to start your adaptable job search.


    Create a job search plan and set 30-, 60-, and 90-day goals to help you stay on track (and keep you accountable). Whether you’re staying in the same field or changing to a more flexible one, setting smaller goals (make three new network connections this week) will help you stay motivated and make progress toward your larger goal of getting a new adaptable job.


    With your plan in place, keep track of what you’ve done and what you need to do. This can help you remember where you’ve applied, who you’ve spoken with, and who you need to follow up with.


    — Look at Industries and Companies First

    Though you could ask your boss to work more flexibly, if they turn you down, you’re back to square one. And your current career field may not lend itself to the kind of flexible work you want.


    If that’s the case, research which fields offer flexible options. Once you’ve identified industries you want to work in or determine your industry has flexible work options, research companies in your target industry to uncover the ones that offer adaptable work.


    Researching companies on StartWorkNow is a great way to start. But you can also check job postings and social media to get an idea of which companies are flexible and which are not.


    — Practice Interviewing

    No matter how long it’s been since your last interview, you know to prepare for “classic” questions, like “tell me about yourself.” But when it comes to interviewing for an adaptable job, you may need to prepare yourself not only for different types of questions but also new ways to answer them.


    Don’t focus your answers solely on your duties. While you should mention what you did, you should also include information about the result. Explaining how you helped your company achieve its goals will help the hiring manager understand why you’re the best person for the role.


    — Search Job Boards

    No job search would be complete without checking out job boards. However, when it comes to a flexible job search, you’re better off focusing on smaller, niche job boards (like StartWorkNow).


    Though the big-name, large job boards have flexible job postings, you may have a harder time wading through all of them. Some might be scams, and others may not be as flexible as you think they are. Sticking with the niche job boards helps ensure you’re seeing job postings that are truly flexible, as well as legitimate, saving you time—not to mention aggravation!


    Bonus Tip!

    Here’s one more tip to help you get an adaptable job now: sign up for StartWorkNow. Our extensive database is updated every day with the latest and greatest in remote, adaptable, and hybrid jobs. And since it’s hand-screened by our team of trained pros, you’re sure to have a safe, scam-free job search. Not to mention the time you’ll save compared to searching elsewhere.