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    Top 10 Critical Communication Mistakes Part 2

    communication mistakes to avoid

    Top 10 Communication Mistakes

    The modern workplace, whether in person or online, depends heavily on accurate and fast communication. Unclear or misunderstood communication can cause long delays, misinformed business strategies, and poor performance. In Top 10 Critical Communication Mistakes Part 1, we explored 5 of 10 critical communication mistakes common in the modern workplace.

    This article focuses on the final 5 communication mistakes professionals make every day.

    [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]6[/dropcap]Avoiding Hard Conversations. One of the most common communication mistakes is not communicating. Many managers feel awkward when relaying negative feedback and avoid it all costs. However, this will only enable bad behavior or performance and can make a small problem worse. Before giving negative feedback, rehearse the conversation so you can feel confident in your message.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]7[/dropcap]Not Being Assertive. Being assertive doesn’t mean you’ll always get what you want, however not voicing your opinions will guarantee that you won’t get what you want. Others and managers respect an individual who is not afraid to contribute or object to various strategies and projects. Assertiveness also means saying “no” if necessary. Know your limitations and voice your concerns. This will enable a manageable workload.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]8[/dropcap]Lack of Preparation. Prepare before engaging in any work activities such as presentations, meetings, and emails. Lack of preparation is frustrating to participants and management. It is also embarrassing for the unprepared individual as it makes you seem sloppy and unprofessional. Not being prepared is one of the communication mistakes that can be costly to your reputation.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]9[/dropcap]Not Customizing Your Approach. One of the most common communication mistakes made by supervisors and managers is communicating to everyone in the exact same way. Here is where knowing your employees comes into play. Take note of their learning styles and communication preferences and habits. Some employees may respond well to constant email communication, while others may need a phone call or face to face conversation.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]10[/dropcap]Keeping a Closed Mind. The modern workplace is filled with a variety of people from different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicity. Avoid stereotyping and pigeonholing employees based on these factors. Learn about their specific skills, abilities, and goals. This approach will allow them to grow and succeed in the office.[/note]

    The current work environment is a challenging place that is only made more difficult when communication mistakes are made. Address these challenges head on and your office and workers will become more efficient and complete.

    Top 10 Critical Communication Mistakes Part 1

    communication mistakes

    communication mistakes

    In a virtual office environment, as in offline offices, communication mistakes can be quite common due to our heavy reliance on non-verbal communication tools. Sending out an email without checking it for correct spelling or grammar, for example, can be embarrassing. However, there are a few other communication mistakes that can cause more than a little embarrassment.

    Avoid these top 10 critical communication mistakes.

    [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]1[/dropcap]Not Editing Your Work. We are an email society. Mistakes in tone, spelling errors, and grammatical errors can make you seem unprofessional and sloppy. Don’t rely on spell check, they don’t always pick up on grammatical errors and the improper use of words that have multiple meanings depending on the context of the sentence.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]2[/dropcap]Assuming Everyone Understands Your Message. A common communication mistake, is not following up with all employees involved in a communication to ensure they all understand what was said and what is expected of them. Encourage others to ask questions and make yourself available for later inquires.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]3[/dropcap]Nasty Grams or Bad News Emails. This is one of the most common communication mistakes made by management. Too often managers use email to scold or discipline employees. This creates tension whenever employees receive management emails. It also builds resentment and embarrassment as often time’s email accounts can be accessed by others who can also read these “nasty grams.” Also try to avoid sending bad news via email. Some news requires a personal touch, via a telephone call or Skype session.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]4[/dropcap]Violating the Privacy of Others. Many individuals share email accounts and have access to the passwords and computers of co-workers. In this environment it is easy to read correspondence that is meant for someone else or to accidentally resend your private conversations with others out to unintended audiences. To avoid this mistake, write private messages before choosing recipients. Also avoid hitting “reply” or “reply all” until after you write the message.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]5[/dropcap]Reacting instead of Responding. Sometimes work can be frustrating and we sometimes react without thinking. This communication mistake can be quite costly in terms of your image and reputation. When encountering an unpleasant situation, take time to breathe, think, and then respond verbally or via email.[/note]

    Stay tuned for part two of our top 10 list of critical communication mistakes.

    Communication Challenges Women Face at Work Part 2

    Communication challenges women face at work

    Women have played an integral role in the workplace in the last 50 years. Throughout the world, women are finding fulfilling careers, and some women are even out earning their male counterparts. In Communication Challenges Women Face at Work Part 1, we presented the first 5 critical communication challenges women deal with in the workplace.

    Still there are more challenges that women face in the workplace. These challenges hinder some women’s abilities to ascend in their profession. Addressing these communication challenges is the first step to overcoming them.

    [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]6[/dropcap]Achieving work-life balance. One of the major communication challenges many women find balancing the responsibilities of their careers and responsibilities at home increasingly difficult. Being able to fill out reports, prepare for that important meeting or trip, often clashes with the need to cook, grocery shop, attend a baseball game or come home at a reasonable hour.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]7[/dropcap]Health Concerns. According to the Centers for Disease Control, another prevalent challenge that women face at work is a prevalence to work related illnesses. Women who work have a higher rate of parasitic disease, respiratory illness, tendinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. They also have a higher rate of stress and anxiety disorders because of work-life balance issue and sexual harassment concerns.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]8[/dropcap]Discrimination. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women still often earn only 80 cents to the dollar that men do, even if they perform the exact same job. Women are also more likely to be the subject of workplace sexual harassment than their male counterparts. This is often hard to prove, embarrassing, and can socially isolate the victim if the harassment is made public. This is also a leading contributor to the stress and anxiety many women feel at work.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]9[/dropcap]Leadership Challenges. Despite being a powerful presence in the workforce, only a small percentage of women hold positons of power or leadership. According to Monster.com, some of the reasons why women still hit the “glass ceiling” is because of fear that they will abandon their careers to have children or to focus on family affairs. However there is some debate that the glass ceiling is also the product of female fears related to being in positions of power.[/note]

    Communication Challenges Women Face at Work Part 1

    Communication challenges women face at work

    Women have become a powerful group in the modern workforce. According to the Wall Street Journal, there are 67.5 million women working outside of the home throughout the world as of 2013. Yet there are still many communication challenges that women face within the professional world.

    Kathy Caprino of Forbes finds that there are 9 common communication challenges that women face.

    [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]1[/dropcap]Don’t take it personal. Some women place too much emotional stock into workplace dynamics and interactions. Avoid taking most occurrences within the office as personal. Instead filter them through a more objective, analytical lens. This will empower you by giving perspective and helping you attain strategic advantages.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]2[/dropcap]Taking credit. In most professions, workers move up based on performance. In many cases, women are reluctant to stand up and take credit for what they’ve done. Learn to speak powerfully and comfortably about what you have achieved. If “we” didn’t actually do the work, don’t be afraid to say “I” did.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]3[/dropcap]Getting what you deserve. One of the most prevalent communication challenges for women is fighting for what you’ve earned. Studies show that men negotiate more for what they think they deserve (benefits, positions, salary). In today’s economy, doing the same work and making less pay is a self-inflicted wound. Don’t be afraid to negotiate for what you know you are worth. If the company really values your contribution, they will be willing to play ball too.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]4[/dropcap]Challenging Power. Many women have been raised to believe it is rude or “unladylike” to challenge authority, even when it is obviously destructive. This can be one of the most harmful communication challenges women face, as it can enable harassment or inappropriate behavior and attitudes in the workplace if  not addressed. However, it will be difficult for women to advance to higher levels without questioning the ideas, policies, or goals of those in higher positions.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]5[/dropcap]Creating a powerful and confident persona. Even if women don’t feel powerful and confident, it’s important to project these traits. This communication challenge is tricky because women can run the risk of seeming overbearing, even if they only match the same level of power and confidence as their male counterpoints. Still research shows that people who exhibit these traits are more likely to be promoted, attain raises, and be put in positions of leadership.[/note]