The modern workplace, whether in person or online, depends heavily on accurate and fast communication. Unclear or misunderstood communication can cause long delays, misinformed business strategies, and poor performance. In Top 10 Critical Communication Mistakes Part 1, we explored 5 of 10 critical communication mistakes common in the modern workplace.
This article focuses on the final 5 communication mistakes professionals make every day.
[note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]6[/dropcap]Avoiding Hard Conversations. One of the most common communication mistakes is not communicating. Many managers feel awkward when relaying negative feedback and avoid it all costs. However, this will only enable bad behavior or performance and can make a small problem worse. Before giving negative feedback, rehearse the conversation so you can feel confident in your message.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]7[/dropcap]Not Being Assertive. Being assertive doesn’t mean you’ll always get what you want, however not voicing your opinions will guarantee that you won’t get what you want. Others and managers respect an individual who is not afraid to contribute or object to various strategies and projects. Assertiveness also means saying “no” if necessary. Know your limitations and voice your concerns. This will enable a manageable workload.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]8[/dropcap]Lack of Preparation. Prepare before engaging in any work activities such as presentations, meetings, and emails. Lack of preparation is frustrating to participants and management. It is also embarrassing for the unprepared individual as it makes you seem sloppy and unprofessional. Not being prepared is one of the communication mistakes that can be costly to your reputation.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]9[/dropcap]Not Customizing Your Approach. One of the most common communication mistakes made by supervisors and managers is communicating to everyone in the exact same way. Here is where knowing your employees comes into play. Take note of their learning styles and communication preferences and habits. Some employees may respond well to constant email communication, while others may need a phone call or face to face conversation.[/note] [note note_color=”#efefef”][dropcap]10[/dropcap]Keeping a Closed Mind. The modern workplace is filled with a variety of people from different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicity. Avoid stereotyping and pigeonholing employees based on these factors. Learn about their specific skills, abilities, and goals. This approach will allow them to grow and succeed in the office.[/note]The current work environment is a challenging place that is only made more difficult when communication mistakes are made. Address these challenges head on and your office and workers will become more efficient and complete.