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    Live the Lifestyle Driven Model

    lifestyle driven model of success

    Ditch the office and join the lifestyle driven model where you work to live; not live to work. Virtual teams used to be a way for companies to reduce overhead. Now more and more employees are demanding a lifestyle driven schedule from their employers. A lifestyle driven model is a schedule that workers personalize to meet their individual needs. The days of working 8 to 5 are over. Now independent professionals have the option to work for any company, anywhere, during the hours of their choice!

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    Benefits of a Lifestyle Driven Model

    thumbs up to the lifestyle driven model

    The lifestyle-driven virtual team is a realistic option for most professional service firms because their work is knowledge based. With the right planning, and equipment, many service professionals can perform their jobs from a home office. At the heart of the virtual team model, is a shift from a focus on billable hour targets, to compensation for employee requested hours [1].

    For some, the prospect of not receiving a regular paycheck is enough for them to forgo the virtual team market. However, there are many virtual professionals who earn more compensation as an hourly worker than as a salaried employee. The old traditional billable model, expects employees to work 45 hours or more per week, but the lifestyle-driven virtual model offers more flexibility. And virtual professionals often get to pick their own projects, giving them more power and satisfaction than traditional work. Traditional benefits like paid vacation, pensions, and health benefits are generally not offered by virtual professional services, though more services are offering health benefits.

    So the lifestyle driven model provides practitioners with more flexibility, more choices for employment, the opportunity to work from home, the power to choose their own projects, and potentially more money.

    Why not learn more about becoming a virtual team member today.

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    [1] Lekushoff, Andrea. “Lifestyle-driven Virtual Teams: A New Paradigm for Professional Services Firms – Ivey Business Journal.” LIFESTYLE-DRIVEN VIRTUAL TEAMS: A NEW PARADIGM FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRMS. Ivey Business Journal, 1 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.